As some of you guys may remember, my son has been struggling with a very serious health problem. While he's not out of the woods, he's definitely headed that way so I wanted to share that with all of you. I also wanted to tell you that your supportive comments meant so much to me. It might sound silly to some, but I was honestly in a very anxious, pull out my hair, flail my curled fist at inept or powerless medical professionals, place.
Hearing/Seeing words of reassurance, support, and kindness were much needed shots of comfort for me. I can just about guarantee that it gave me the grace not to yell as loudly at Doctors who didn't want to investigate my sons issue.
I'm not sure how to get Doctors to follow up and identify the cause so we can prevent future episodes. I'm nothing if not persistent and I will continue to push the subject with them. Being in a new country and unfamiliar with the NHS is definitely making all of this more challenging. If anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them.
Thank you everyone!